Guralp Systems CMG-DCM User Manual
Page 21

Operator's guide
the current Linux network and DNS configuration;
unique IDs for the hardware boards making up the DCM; and
the name and version number of every software package
currently installed on the unit.
The links in the menu on the left lead to various pages where you can
change the configuration of the DCM.
As a first step, you change your administrator password. Scroll down
the left-hand menu if necessary, and click on Configuration –
At the bottom of this page is a section headed
Existing users. In this
section, enter your new password in the
password and repeat
password boxes, and click Change password.
If you want to add any other named accounts, you can do this on the
Next, you should configure the DCM and attached digitizers for your
own needs. Several pages of configuration options are available under
Configuration in the left-hand menu. When you make changes to any
page, make sure you click the Save changes button at the bottom of the
page before you move to a new page.
Examples of how to configure a DCM for several common applications
are given in the next chapter, whilst a full reference is provided in
December 2006