7 seed name mappings – Guralp Systems CMG-DCM User Manual
Page 75

Operator's guide
/etc/libcd11/slotxx.kid and /etc/cd11sf.cfg
high-byte and low-byte : The two CNSN stream identifier bytes,
expressed as decimal numbers.
site : the site code.
channel : the channel code.
location : optionally, the location code.
Blank lines, and any lines beginning with #, are ignored. When you
have finished, click Save changes.
The Web interface does
not check that the content of the file will be
understood. You should ensure that the file is valid before committing
any changes.
5.7 SEED name mappings
Several seismic network formats use the FSDN SEED naming
convention to identify channels.
Before you can connect Güralp Systems instruments to a network
using this convention, you will need to define mappings between the
raw stream names from the digitizer (
e.g. DEMOZ2) and the FSDN SEED
names for the same streams (
e.g. GB:GSL:BHZ).
This mapping is defined in an XML file stored at
/etc/seedmap2.xml. Clicking on Data transfer – SEED name
mappings opens a page allowing you to view and edit the mapping.
December 2006