Guralp Systems CMG-DCM User Manual
Page 77

Operator's guide
Enter values into the, seed.sta and seed.cha boxes to
change the mapping. If one of these values is missing, services
which use the
SEED name mappings will ignore the stream.
If you are using SEED location codes, enter a value into the
seed.loc box to set the location code for this stream. Location
codes should be used in cases where several instruments with
the same conventional SEED name are located at the same
Finally, you must enable output of this stream using each of the
protocols you are using. This is done by adding an entry to the
Other Entries section with the name protocol.enabled and
the value true.
For example, to make a stream available over SeedLink, enter
seedlink.enabled under Name, and true under Value.
To stop transmitting a stream, change the
Value of this entry to
false, or remove it.
You can add other information about your instruments into this
file. For example, you might want to program the DCM with
response and sensitivity parameters for your instrument.
To add additional information, enter the name of a quantity (
sensitivity) in one of the
Name boxes, and its value (e.g. 3000) in
Value box beside it.
This information is not currently used by any DCM services.
Click Save changes to commit your changes, or Cancel to return to the
December 2006