Guralp Systems CMG-DCM User Manual
Page 45

Operator's guide
info::logging into zeroized card
info::state: Uninitialized
info::logging into unitialized card
info::loading initialization values
info::state: Initialized
info::changing SSO password
info::state: SSO Initialized
info::logging into the card as SSO
info::loading the trusted certificate
info::state: LAW Initialized
info::logging into the card as SSO
info::setting the user's password
info::state: User Initialized
info::logging into the card as User
info::state: Standby
info::Final state 6(Standby)
If the AM reports an error, the spyrus package is not installed or
cannot function. In this case, you should use openssl to
generate keys in software as described below.
4. Now log in using
spyrus login
5. Create a text file containing information about the station,
sensor, etc., in the following format:
This will be used to request the certificate. You should replace
the information after the colons with the correct data for the
specific pit installation (available from the NDC or the station
administrator.) Check that the field names (before the colons)
are correctly capitalized, and do not leave spaces around the
You can have several organizationalUnitName and
commonName records, in which case the information is entered
into the database from bottom to top, so that the most recent
entries appear first in the file.
(To create a text file in Linux, either use a command like cat >
filename and enter the data directly, ending with CTRL-D, or
use the text editor vi. Using vi will allow you to edit the file
should you make a mistake in entering the data. For more
information, see the Linux manual page for vi. Alternatively,
December 2006