1 general – Guralp Systems CMG-DCM User Manual
Page 81

Operator's guide
several types of DCM or AM (Authentication Module) will find that
each unit offers a different range of configuration options, according to
its specialization as a component in the system.
6.1 General
This page contains settings which help you identify the DCM.
general.hostname : This is the host name the DCM will use to identify
itself on the network. It is normally the first part of the module's fully-
qualified domain name. For example, a DCM at
would have its host name set to
general.title : This is the title displayed inside the coloured border at
the top of the left-hand menu.
general.comment : This is an optional comment displayed beneath the
title in the left-hand menu.
general.bgcolor : Select a value from the drop-down box to choose the
colour of the title border. For example, you might choose to assign a
particular colour to all DCMs at one location.
If you change
general.title, general.comment, or general.bgcolor, the
left-hand menu will not change in your browser when you Save
changes. You will need to reload the page, or open it in a new browser
December 2006