Gasboy Fuel Point Dispenser User Manual

Page 9

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The following test procedures are helpful:

If the system is set up for use with cards or key activation, first test the pump using the card
or key. Pump a small amount of fuel and check the logger printout to insure the correct
amount is registered. This will test the complete system without the Fuel Point.

If a master authorizer is available and programmed for the site, it can be used to test the
pump assembly. Hold the authorizer near the N-ring and activate.

Test the modified pump with a vehicle equipped for use with Fuel Point.

Verify the hose wiring. At the amplifier/j-box 35 to 40 ohms through the N-ring is required.

The following chart provides details for using the Fuel Point Reader LED indicators (on
C08886 PCB) while troubleshooting wiring problems. The chart assumes only one vehicle is
fueling as DL3 and 4 are shared by up to 8 hoses. DL3 and 4 indicate the communications
between the FP Reader and FMS unit. DL1 and 2 indicate communications between the FP
Reader and Vehicle Module.






Red Grn Red Grn

Pump/Nozzle Status

Indicator Status


Not Pump/Nozzle dependent

DL4,3 Flashing

RS 485 communications.
Should be flashing
continuously. Should mirror the
2 Red LED’s on RS 485 PCB.

Nozzle inserted in vehicle

DL1 flashes once

Acknowledges Vehicle present.

Nozzle inserted in vehicle

DL1,2 flash rapidly

Vehicle Module sending data
to FP Reader.

Nozzle starts fueling

DL1 flashes on-off

Indicates nozzle is stilll present
in vehicle.

Nozzle removed

DL1 ceases flashing after short

System in suspend mode.
Allows fueler to start fueling
second tank.


Turning the pump handle to off or a system time out will cease all activity on DL3
and 4. When testing several vehicles, a small quantity of fuel should be pumped. If
quantity is not pumped, the system will shut off after a programmable number of no
quantity operations. The system must be re-enabled at the terminal. Refer to the
appropriate manual for system in use. When testing several transactions (nozzle
in/outs) you must delay about 5 seconds if communications is lost.