4 faults, 1 mod_flts - modulator faults – Comtech EF Data SDM-309B User Manual
Page 66
SDM-309B Satellite Modem
MN/U-SDM309B Rev. #
* Range: <1.0E-8 to >1E-3
Swp_Freq - Sweep Monitor**
*Range: -25,000 Hz to +25,000 Hz
Eb/N0 - Energy(bit)/noise ratio.
* Range: <3.2dB to >16.0 dB
RxSignal - Receive signal level.
* Range: <-60 dBm to >-30 dBm
FIL_STAT - Plesiochronous buffer fill status in percent.
FRM_ERR/2047_ERR - Framing pattern bit error rate. Monitors the currently
selected READ_ERR function.
* When the decoder loses lock no data is available and is so indicated.
** Sweep Frequency only shows up in the “Monitor” menu if the Fast Acquisition
has been turned on in the “Utility” menu.
3.2.4 Faults
The “FAULTS” level is accessible from the ‘sELECT” menu. Faults are similar to
monitor functions as they display the current fault status of the group being displayed.
Use the right and left arrow keys to move between the fault groups: Mod_Flts
(modulator faults), Dmd_Flts (demodulator faults), CEQ_Flts (common equipment
faults), TX_INTF (transmitter interface faults), RX_INTF (receiver interface faults), and
ALARMS (backward alarm indicators). The current faults status is displayed on line two
of the display in real time. Faults status is display as “+” (plus) or “-” (minus) for each
parameter monitored, “+” indicates that a fault exists and “-” indicates that no fault
exists. To display labels for individual faults press the “Enter” key. Use the left and right
arrow keys to move the flashing cursor to the fault you wish to identify. The label for
that fault is immediately displayed on line one of the display. The “Clear” key can be
used to exit this level of operation and return to the previous level. The following lists
outline the faults monitored and displayed in each group. Mod_Flts - Modulator Faults
Modulator RF synthesizer fault.
Transmit data clock activity indicator.
Transmit clock synthesizer fault.
I channel activity fault.
Q channel activity fault.
Automatic gain control level fault.
Modulator module fault. Typically indicates that the modulator module is
missing or will not program.