8 bit error rate status, 1 raw ber, 2 corrected ber – Comtech EF Data SDM-309B User Manual
Page 197: 3 corrected ber log, 8 bit error rate status 5.8.1 raw ber
Remote Control
SDM-309B Satellite Modem
MN/U-SDM309B Rev. #
5.8 Bit Error Rate Status
5.8.1 Raw BER
Response: >add/RBER_nnnnE-4”cr””lf”] nnnn = RBER or nnnn = <1.0 (lower limit) Example: Request Raw BER from modem 123. Command: <123/RBER_”cr” Response: >123/RBER_152E-4”cr””lf”] RBER = .0152 errors/bit *Note: "No Data" is returned if no carrier is detected (decoder not locked). 5.8.2 Corrected BER Command: Response: >add/CBER_nE-m”cr””lf”] Example: Request Corrected BER from modem 19. Command: <19/CBER_”cr” Response: >19/CBER_3E-5”cr””lf”] CBER = .00003 errors/bit *Note: Corrected BER limits are; lower <1E-8, upper >1E-3. "No Data" is returned if no 5.8.3 Corrected BER Log Error data (samples) are compiled at the nominal system rate indicated by the time Command: Response: >add/CBEL_t.t;s1,s2,s3 ... sn”cr””lf”] t.t = Time between corrected BER samples in seconds (“0.1” to “9.9”). Notes: 1. The most recent sample is represented by ‘sn” while the least recent sample is represented by ‘s1”.
carrier is detected (decoder not locked).
parameter (t.t). The samples are stored in a thirty-two-element FIFO. When the “CBEL_”
command is received the samples in the FIFO are formatted and returned as indicated.
The FIFO is then flushed. If the FIFO becomes full the oldest sample will be lost as the
current sample is written.
; = At least one data point has been logged.
s1 to sn = Corrected BER samples in the format of (xmmee):
x - The optional data modifier “<“ or “>“ (less than or greater than).
mm - The corrected BER mantissa (“01” to “99”).
ee - The corrected BER negative exponent (“00” to “99”).