2 external reference frequency, 3 interface loop-back (on/off), 4 base band loop-back (on/off) – Comtech EF Data SDM-309B User Manual
Page 187: 5 interface coding format transmit (ami/hdb3/b8zs), 6 interface coding format receive (ami/hdb3/b8zs), 7 scrambler enable (on/off)
Remote Control
SDM-309B Satellite Modem
MN/U-SDM309B Rev. #
4.3.2 External Reference Frequency
Response: >add/ERF_nnnnn”cr””lf”] nnnnn = 8 to 99992 (external reference frequency in KHz, must be a a multiple of 8KHz). Status Only: Response: >add/ERF_nnnnn”cr””lf”] 4.3.3 Interface Loop-back (ON/OFF) Command: (xxx = ON or OFF) Response: >add/ILB_xxx”cr””lf”] Status Only: Response: > add/ILB_xxx”cr””lf”] 4.3.4 Base Band Loop-back (ON/OFF) Command: (xxx = ON or OFF) Response: >add/BBL_xxx”cr””lf”] Status Only: Response: > add/BBL_xxx”cr””lf”] 4.3.5 Interface Coding Format Transmit (AMI/HDB3/B8ZS) Command: (xxxx = AMI,HDB3 or B8ZS) Response: >add/ICFT_xxxx”cr””lf”] Status Only: Response: >add/ICFT_xxxx”cr””lf”] 4.3.6 Interface Coding Format Receive (AMI/HDB3/B8ZS) Command: (xxxx = AMI,HDB3 or B8ZS) Response: >add/ICFR_xxxx”cr””lf”] Status Only: Response: >add/ICFR_xxxx”cr””lf”] 4.3.7 Scrambler Enable (ON/OFF) Command: (xxx = ON or OFF) Response: >add/SE_xxx”cr””lf”] Status Only: Response: >add/SE_xxx”cr””lf”]