19 bulk consolidated anolog status, 20 change status, 21 equipment type – Comtech EF Data SDM-309B User Manual

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SDM-309B Satellite Modem

Remote Control

MN/U-SDM309B Rev. #


5.19 Bulk Consolidated Anolog Status

This command is similar to the “BCS_” command but, returns MODEM anolog



>add/BCAS_p1,p2,p3, . . . pn”cr””lf”]

Where “pn” is the last parameter returned.

Parameter 1 (p1): Receive signal level.

p1 = -nn, where “nn” is the value of the receive signal level in dBm.

Parameter 2 (p2): Raw BER.

p2 = nnnnE-4, where “nnnn” is the raw bit errors in 10000 bits.

Parameter 3 (p3): Corrected BER.

p3 = nE-e, where “n” is the mantissa and “e” is exponent (power of 10).

Parameter 4 (p4): EB/N0.

p4 = n.n, where “n.n” is EB/N0 in dB.

Parameter 5 (p5): Interface Read Error Status.

p5 = xxxx_n.nE-e, where “xxxx_n.nE-e” is the read error status as defined in this document.

Parameter 6 (p6): Buffer Fill Status.

p6 = nn%, where “nn%” is the buffer fill status.

*Note: Parameters 1 through 6 are dependent on carrier acquisition, if the decoder is not
locked empty data blocks are returned (,,,,,).

5.20 Change Status

This command indicates that a change has or has not occurred on either the BCS_ or the
BCSF_ response since the last BCS_ or BCSF_ poll.




The “x” character is defined as follows:

“at” = no change since last CS_ poll
“A” = BCS_ response has changed since last CS_ poll
“B” = BCSF_ response has changed since last CS_ poll
“C” = Both responses have changed since last CS_ poll

5.21 Equipment Type

This command returns the equipment model number and M&C firmware
version number.


