2 drop and insert front panel operation, 1 general, 2 configuration – Comtech EF Data SDM-309B User Manual

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SDM-309B Satellite Modem


MN/U-SDM309B Rev. #

3.2 Drop And Insert Front Panel Operation

3.2.1 General

The following is a Step by Step explanation and procedure for operating the SDM 309B
modem, hereafter referred to as the modem, with an internal drop and insert channel unit.
The operation of the front panel is the same “look and feel” as the SDM 309 modem
without the drop and insert channel unit, except there are additional commands for the
drop and insert channel unit. The complete front panel operation is described below.

The Modem front panel control uses a tree structured menu system (Figure 3-12 to 3-17)
to access and execute all functions. The base level of this structure is the sign-on
message which is displayed at the front panel upon modem power up. Line one of the
sign-on message is the modem model number (SDM308-5) and line two is the version
number of the firmware implemented in your modem. The main level of the menu system
is the ‘sELECT” menu which may be accessed from the base level by pressing any of the
arrow keys. From the ‘sELECT” menu you may select any one of five functional
categories: configuration functions, monitor functions, fault functions, stored fault
functions or utility functions. Use the right and left arrow keys to move from one
selection to another, when the desired function is displayed on line two you can enter
that level by pressing the “Enter” key. Once you have entered the functional level of your
choice, move to the desired function by using the right and left arrow keys. Refer to the
following text for information on individual functional categories and there functions.

3.2.2 Configuration

Modem configuration may be viewed or changed by entering the “CONFIG” level from
the ‘sELECT” menu on the front panel. After entering the “CONFIG” menu, use the
right and left arrow keys to select “MOD”, “DEMOD”, or “INTERFACE” configuration.
Enter the selected configuration menu by pressing the “ENTER” key. Use the right and
left arrow keys to view the selected configuration parameters. If it is desired to change a
configuration parameter press the “Enter” key to begin the change process at which point
you can use the arrow keys to make the changes. After the changes are made and the
display represents the correct parameters execute the change by pressing the “Enter” key.
When the “Enter” key is pressed the necessary programming is initiated by the modem.
If you decide not to change the parameter prior to executing the change simply press the
“Clear” key. The following notes describe each configuration function in detail.