Chp5.pdf, Theory of operation, 1 modulator – Comtech EF Data SDM-309B User Manual

Page 125: 1 general description, 2 specifications, Chapter 5. theory of operation

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MN/U-SDM309B Rev. #


Chapter 5.


5.1 Modulator

5.1.1 General description

The modem Modulator card is a 10.25" x 14" card (Figure 5-1) that fits in the top left
slot of the modem chassis. Its function is to create a QPSK modulated carrier within the
50 - 90 MHz or 100 - 180 MHz range from the digital data stream that is provided by the
Interface card. Several subSections make up the card. These include:

1) The Digital Interface
2) The Scrambler/Differential Encoder
3) The Convolutional Encoder
4) The I/Q Nyquist Filters
5) The Modulator
6) The Output Amplifier
7) The RF Synthesizer
8) The Clock Synthesizer

A block diagram of the modulator is shown in Figure 5-2. A detailed description of the
subSections appears in Section 5.1.3.

5.1.2 Specifications

Modulation type

QPSK (BPSK optional)

Frequency Range

50 to 90 MHz or 100 to 180 MHz

Frequency Select Method


Frequency Step Size

2.5 KHz

Frequency Stability

10 ppm

Channel Spacing

.7 Times the Data Rate
Divided by the Encoding Rate.

Phase Error

2.5 ° max.

Filtering Type

Nyquist, Pre-equalized

Spectral Occupancy

See Figure 5-3
dB at ± .75 Symbol Rate