Paxar Monarch 9850 User Manual
Page 61
Graphic 10 was added to flash memory and uses Graphic units.
The supply length was 812 dots and the supply width was 406
dots. The format name was "Wire." Graphic 99 was added to
flash memory and uses Graphic units. The supply length was 350
dots and the supply width was 406 dots. The format name was
If no packets are stored in flash memory, empty brackets {} are
returned to the host.
F l a s h C o n s i d e r a t i o n s
Note the following items when storing formats, graphics, or check
digits in flash:
Packets with the same number should not be added to flash
memory. If two packets with the same number are stored in
flash, only the last packet sent can be used. For example, if
you send the following packets to flash memory, only the
"Textiles" format can be used.
Clear flash memory if you encounter problems storing packets.
Flash must be cleared through the printer’s menu.
Individual packets cannot be cleared from flash memory.
Clearing flash erases all packets stored in flash memory (with
"F" selector); however, clearing flash does not erase any
packets loaded by Service.
Flash cannot be reallocated.
Configuring the Printer 2-39