Paxar Monarch 9850 User Manual
Page 18

D e t e r m i n i n g F o r m a t C o n t e n t s
Before you lay out your format, answer these questions. How
large is your supply, which fonts do you want to use, do you want
to include a bar code, and do you want to include graphics?
D e t e r m i n i n g t h e P r i n t A r e a
The "bottom" (or leading edge) is the edge that exits the printer
first. The 0,0 point is at the bottom left corner of the label. For
the 9403 printer, the print area begins 0.10 inches from the left
edge of the supply. For the Monarch® 9800® series printers, the
print area is in the center of the label.
Unit of
Max. Supply
(Wid x Len)
Max. Print Area
(Wid x Len)
Min. Supply
(Wid x Len)
Min. Print Area
(Wid x Len)
200 x 600
200 x 600
75 x 600
65 x 71.5
508 x 1524
508 x 1524
191 x 1524
165 x 182
Dots (203)
406 x 1218
406 x 1218
152 x 1218
132 x 145
425 x 1750
400 x 1600
75 x 50
75 x 50
1080 x 4445
1016 x 4064
191 x 127
191 x 127
Dots (203)
863 x 3553
812 x 3248
152 x 102
152 x 102
425 x 1750
400 x 1600
75 x 32
75 x 32
1080 x 4445
1016 x 4064
191 x 81
191 x 81
Dots (203)
863 x 3553
812 x 3248
152 x 65
152 x 65
Dots (300)
1275 x 5250
200 x 3900
225 x 96
225 x 96
400 x 1300
400 x 1300
400 x 100
400 x 100
1016 x 3300
1016 x 3300
1016 x 254
1016 x 254
Dots (203)
812 x 2639
812 x 2639
812 x 203
812 x 203
Dots (300)
1200 x 3900
1200 x 3900
1200 x 300
1200 x 300
Keep in mind the following non-print zones for the 9403 printer:
.035 inches at the beginning of the label.
.10 inches from the left edge of the label.
1-6 Getting Started