Paxar Monarch 9850 User Manual
Page 171

S e r i a l B a r C o d e P r i n t i n g I n f o r m a t i o n
Keep in mind the following serial bar code printing information
when using a 985x or 9860 printer.
Minimum Bar Code Narrow
2.5 ips
203/300 dpi
less than 3 dots
4.0 ips
203 dpi
3 dots
6.0/8.0/10.0 ips
203 dpi
4 dots or more
D o w n l o a d i n g M e t h o d s
Depending on your application, you can download the format and
batch data using one of three methods: sequential method, batch
method, batch quantity zero method.
S e q u e n t i a l M e t h o d
Using the sequential method, you send all your format and batch
data at one time. Use this method when your application does
not require operator intervention to input data. All data is sent
down at one time, and the printer then images each field. As
soon as the last field is imaged, your labels begin to print.
{Batch Packet}
B a t c h M e t h o d
This is similar to the sequential method, but it is used when you
want to send multiple batches. All data for the first batch is
sent at one time, and the printer then images each field. As soon
as the last field for the first batch is imaged, labels begin to print.
This process is repeated for each subsequent batch.
{Batch Packet}
{Batch Packet}
Printing 6-11