Paxar Monarch 9850 User Manual
Page 127

O p t i o n 6 2 ( B y p a s s B a r C o d e )
This option allows the optional verifier to bypass (skip) bar
code(s) on a format. The verifier does not scan any bar code with
Option 62 applied to it.
R1. R
Option Header.
R2. 62
Option 62. The verifier does not scan the bar code associated
with this option.
Adjacent bar codes on a format need to start and end
on the same row (be the same height). Also, both
adjacent bar codes (or neither bar code) must be
scanned. However, do not apply Option 62 to all bar
codes on a format or 764 errors appear.
Option 62 can be applied to any bar code on
this format.
The verifer’s beam scans the entire width of the
label. It cannot scan half the label’s width. The
verifier errors if Option 62 is applied to only ONE
of the adjacent bar codes.
Option 62 must be applied to BOTH adjacent
bar codes.
Defining Field Options 4-19