Paxar Monarch 9850 User Manual
Page 54

F o r m a t t i n g F l a s h M e m o r y
Before you send packets to flash memory, it must be formatted
first. This is required once during initial printer setup. On the
9800 series printers, from the Main Menu, select Setup, Flash
Memory, then Format Flash. The process takes a few minutes.
When you format flash memory, the script and
any downloaded TrueType® fonts saved in the
printer’s flash memory are deleted and must
be resent to the printer. Refer to your
printer’s Operator’s Handbook for more
F l a s h M e m o r y G u i d e l i n e s
Use these basic guidelines when storing files in your printer’s
flash memory.
Your printer may have volatile RAM (packets deleted when the
printer is turned off), non-volatile RAM (packets saved when
the printer is turned off), and flash memory (packets saved
when the printer is turned off). Each printer has a different
limit of available memory.
Before you save any packets in flash memory, you must format
flash memory first. See "Formatting Flash Memory" for more
Formats, graphics, and check digits can be saved in flash (but
they are also duplicated in RAM). Any packets saved in flash
cannot exceed the memory available in RAM.
Fonts are stored differently in flash. For example, the 9825
printer has very limited flash font memory and one TrueType
font may exceed that limit. If you print TrueType or
double-byte Asian fonts, use a 9855 or 9860 printer with the
memory expansion option.
There is not a 1-to-1 ratio between the memory in your printer
and the memory in your PC. For example, a file that is 5K in
Windows may require 15-20K to store in your printer.
2-32 Configuring the Printer