AGI Security GV-CONCT User Manual
Page 108

Figure 4-15
2. In the Username field, type a name. Username can be up to 16 characters with the
choices of “a ~ z”, “0 ~9”, and “-”. Note that space or “-” cannot be used as the first
3. In the Password filed, type a password. Passwords are case-sensitive and must be at
least 6 characters. Type the password again in the Re-type Password field for
4. In the Word Verification section, type the characters or numbers shown in the box. For
example, type i8UCY in the required field. Word Verification is not case-sensitive.
5. Click the Send button. When the registration is complete, this page will appear. The
Hostname is the domain name, consisting of the registered username and
“”, e.g.
Figure 4-16
Note: The registered username will be invalid when it is not used for one month.