D*ap4 – Junger Audio D*AP4 FLX / D*AP4 LM Edition User Manual
Page 57

The second step of calibration is to set the values for Pilot Tone, RDS, SCA(DARC) Deviation.
The necessary values depend on the setup of the respective encoders. Please refer to the respective
After calibration the FM Conditioner will now display the available audio headroom.
Here is an example with an assumed deviation of ~ 12 % of 75 kHz for the extra services:
20*log (75 kHz – 8.8 kHz) / 40 kHz = 4,4 dB
or -4.6 dBFS
This calculation is performed internally and updates automatically when any of the involved parameters
change. The resulting value is called the Ceiling. It is important to know that the Resulting Ceiling is
calculated with the Pre-Emphasis filtering of the FM transmitter included. Thus the wideband true peak
level of the audio signal before Pre-Emphasis needs to be lower. A look at the level relation diagram
may help understanding this:
Pre-Emphasis is a filter system where the higher frequencies are raised by a shelving filter at
transmission stage and equivalently reduced at the receiver end. The Pre-Emphasis filter utilizes a
time constant of 50 µs (or 75 µs in the USA) which results in a gain of 10 dB at 10 kHz.
This procedure creates a significantly improved signal-to-noise ratio.