Junger Audio C8082 - Switch Over / Ducker User Manual
C8082, C8000

digital audio
processing system
switch over & ducking
Jünger Audio Studiotechnik GmbH
Justus-von-Liebig-Strasse 7
D -12489 Berlin
phone: +49-30-677721-0
[email protected]
Automatic or manual Switch Over or Fail Over in case of input level loss. Ducking of a main stereo or
surround sound signal by a line level microphone or by a pre recorded announcement / ad input.
• 5.1 to stereo Fail Over / Switch Over
• 2x Stereo Fail Over / Switch Over
• 5.1 Ducking to C, L&R or L&C&R
• 2x Stereo ducking
• Detection of low input level and automatic Fail Over switching
• Detection of the ducking source signal and automatic Ducking
• Manual operation via GUI or GPI for Switch Over and Ducking
block diagram
The block diagram on the next page gives an overview of the signal flow within the C8082.
It receives the input signals via four C8k audio busses. The Main signals (Main Stereo #1 and #2) must
be applied to Ch1/2 and Ch 3/4 respectively, while the Aux channels for Ducking or fail over must be
applied to Ch 5/6 and Ch 7/8.
The C8082 has 6 mixing nodes which perform the switching or ducking functions. Honestly there is no
real switch mode because all switch processes are cross fades to prevent from switching noise.
The mixing nodes receive their parameters depending on the operating mode from the DSP controller
on the PCB. This DSP controller communicates via CAN bus with the C8k Frame Controller.
Therefore it needs a unique CAN address.
The Frame Controller itself runs a web server. This web server generates a web technology based
GUI. It may be displayed by IE8 or FireFox 3.6 or higher (see C8702 manual for details).
The inputs of the C8082 are equipped with level detectors for either detecting a loss of the input or an
active source for Ducking. The Fail / Duck detection part performs the logical action depending on the
various input statuses and user defined operating modes.
6 two channel outputs feed the processed signals back to the C8k frame bus. Each of these 6 outputs
has the Junger Brickwall limiter inserted. This limiter not only provides smooth non distortion output
in case of an overload but also defines the maximum output level. The algorithms are adaptive to the
material so only one parameter, the Limiter Program, is needed to set up this part. For 5.1 or stereo
processing the limiter control circuits are automatically linked together for proper multi channel