Altera DQ (ALTDQ) User Manual
Page 19

Design Example: Implement DDR I/O Interface
Page 19
November 2010
Altera Corporation
DQ (ALTDQ) and DQS (ALTDQS) Megafunctions
7. When a message indicates that Full compilation was successful, click OK.
Simulate the DDR I/O Interface Design in ModelSim-Altera Tool
You can simulate the design in the ModelSim
tool to compare the results of both
This user guide assumes that you are familiar with using the ModelSim-Altera tool
before trying out the design example. If you are unfamiliar with this tool, refer to the
page on the Altera website. There are various
links to topics such as installation, usage, and troubleshooting.
Set up the ModelSim-Altera simulator by performing the following steps.
1. Unzip the file to any working directory on your PC.
2. Browse to the folder in which you unzipped the files and open the file
in a text editor.
3. In line 1 of the file, replace <insert_directory_path_here> with the
directory path of the appropriate library files. For example,
4. On the File menu, click Save.
5. Start ModelSim-Altera.
6. On the File menu, click Change Directory.
7. Select the folder in which you unzipped the files. Click OK.
8. On the Tools menu, click Execute Macro.
9. Select the file and click Open. This is a script file for ModelSim that
automates all the necessary settings for the simulation.
10. Verify the results shown in the Waveform Viewer window.
You may need to rearrange signals, remove redundant signals, and change the radix
to suit the results in the Quartus II Simulator.
shows the expected
simulation results in ModelSim-Altera.