Altera DQ (ALTDQ) User Manual
Dq (altdq) and dqs (altdqs) megafunctions, Introduction, General description

November 2010
Altera Corporation
User Guide
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101 Innovation Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
The Quartus
II software provides parameterizable megafunctions ranging from simple
arithmetic units, such as adders and counters, to advanced phase-locked loop (PLL) blocks,
multipliers, and memory structures. These megafunctions are performance-optimized for
Altera devices and therefore provide more efficient logic synthesis and device
implementation, because they automate the coding process and save valuable design time.
You should use these functions during design implementation so you can consistently meet
your design goals.
General Description
This user guide discusses the following topics:
General features of the ALTDQ and ALTDQS megafunctions
Parameterization of the ALTDQ and ALTDQS megafunctions through the MegaWizard
Plug-In Manager
Port and parameter definitions of the ALTDQ and ALTDQS megafunctions
The ALTDQ and ALTDQS megafunctions allow you to control the functionality of the DDR
I/O pins for each of the device families. Most of the features of the megafunction map
directly into features of the I/O element (IOE) for each device family. For Cyclone
II devices
that do not have DDR I/O registers in the IOE, the features are implemented in logic cells.
The ALTDQ and ALTDQS megafunctions are provided in the Quartus II software
MegaWizard Plug-In Manager. You can configure the DQ and DQS pins as input, output, or
bidirectional DDR pins on all the I/O banks of the device, depending on the specific custom
external memory interface requirements. Both DQ and DQS are bidirectional (the same
signals are used for both writes and reads). A group of DQ pins is associated with one DQS
pin. Use the ALTDQ and ALTDQS megafunctions to configure the DQ and DQS paths,
Device Family Support
The ALTDQ and ALTDQ_DQS megafunctions support the following Altera
device families:
Cyclone II
Cyclone III
Cyclone IV GX