Appendix a —glossary – Pitney Bowes DI425 FastPac Inserting Systems User Manual

Page 87

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Appendix A —Glossary

SV61656 Rev. A




Power-On Reset

Re-initializing a device by turning the power off,

then on.


A single instance of a job.

Scan Window

A designated area on a sheet or insert reserved

solely for OMR marks. Sometimes referred to as

the “scan zone.” The start scan mark is located in

this zone and begins the scanning process. There

must be no printed material in the scan window

other than the OMR marks.


A device that reads OMR dash marks.


A module in an inserting system that moistens an

envelope flap, closes and seals it.


The process of moistening an envelope flap, clos-

ing it and applying pressure to seal it.


With respect to the operator interface (control

panel), the process of making a choice.

Select Feed Marks

Marks on the prime or control document (or first

sheet in the control document) that indicate which

downstream feeders should feed. A downstream

selectable feeder will feed if the mark is present

on all pages of the control document.

Selective feed

A function that instructs the inserter system to

select material from specified feeders. This is

controlled by select feed OMR marks.


One or more items assembled together.


A paper item, folded or unfolded, taken from a

stack of material.

Sheet Feeder

A feeder tray that accepts sheets only. The

sheets are loaded one on top of another.

Sheet Set

A collection of sheets or pages, usually defined

by the user. A sheet set is made up of sheets only

(inserts are not sheets).


To align sheets or inserts such that they overlap,

but are not directly above one another (like shin-

gles on a roof). Shingling is required for reliable

feeding of some material types.

Single sheet

One sheet of paper.