Hanna Instruments HI 8050 User Manual
Page 43

ECRef=07.3mS Prog 07
ECBnd: D=00.5 P=01.0
The EC settings are programmed using this panel. EC control determines the
overall amount of fertilizer added to the irrigation water to maintain the de-
sired conductivity value. The Fertigation Controller controls up to 4 fertilizer
tanks relative to the EC settings established using this panel. The program
number indexes this panel. This panel displays and allows the setting of the
following parameters:
− EC Ref -
EC Ref -
EC Ref -
EC Ref -
EC Ref - The selectable EC set point programmed for fertilizer dosing.
− PPPPProgram Number
rogram Number
rogram Number
rogram Number
rogram Number - Panel index (used to view settings for all programs).
− Dead band
Dead band
Dead band
Dead band
Dead band - The selectable dead band around the EC reference. The
desired (target) EC range.
− PPPPProportional band
roportional band
roportional band
roportional band
roportional band -The selectable area around the setpoint where the
proportional control is active.
− TimeOut
TimeOut - Selectable EC control alarm time-out (represents the time inter-
val considered from the moment when the alarm condition actually ap-
pears and the moment when the alarm will be triggered). This parameter
allows the EC control to drive the motorized valves. It sould be greater
than the time needed for the motorised valves to close/open completely.
Prog 07
Fer1=020% Fer2=055%
Fer3=060% Fer4=040%
This panel sets a dosing prescription for fertilizers when fertilizer dosing is
controlled by conductivity. The Fertigation Controller can control 4 fertilizer
tanks. A percentage of each fertilizer dosed can be set using this panel. Each
tank can be set to dose from 0% to 100%. Setting each tank to dose 100%
would represent maximum dosing of all fertilizers relative to the conductivity
set point and control settings. The program number indexes this panel. This
panel displays and allows the setting of the following parameters:
− PPPPProgram Number
rogram Number
rogram Number
rogram Number
rogram Number - Panel index (used to view settings for all programs).
− Fert settings
Fert settings
Fert settings
Fert settings
Fert settings - Selectable fertilizer settings (percent) for tanks 1 through 4.