Important information warnings, 4gas category, Control of substances hazardous to health – Glow-worm Betacom C User Manual
Page 4: Manual handling, Gas leak or fault, Metal parts, Sealed components, Electrical supply, Testing and certification

Gas Category
This boiler is for use only on G20 natural gas.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Under Section 6 of The Health and Safety at Work Act
1974, we are required to provide information on substances
hazardous to health.
The adhesives and sealants used in this appliance are cured
and give no known hazard in this state.
While there are no substances harmful to health contained
within this boiler, some component parts of the boiler
(insulation pads, gaskets and rope seals) are manufactured
from man made fibres. When damaged or broken these fibres
may cause a temporary irritation. High dust levels may irritate
eyes and upper respiratory system. It is important therefore,
that sensible precautions are applied when exchanging
If you have a history of skin complaint you may be susceptible
to irritation.
Normal handling should not cause discomfort, but follow good
hygiene and wash your hands before eating, drinking or going
to the lavatory.
If you suffer irritation to the eyes or severe irritation to the skin
seek medical advice.
Manual Handling
With regards to the “Manual Handling Operations, 1992
Regulations”, the appliance exceeds the recommended
weight for a one man lift, refer to section 16 for more
The handling of the boiler may involve lifting, pushing and
pulling, the use of a sack truck may be required.
The following handling techniques and precautions should be
- Grip the boiler at its base
- Be physically capable
- Use safety clothing where appropriate, e.g. gloves, safety
Ensure safe lifting techniques are used
- Keep back straight.
- Avoid twisting at the waist.
- Avoid upper body/top heavy bending.
- Always grip using the palm of the hand.
- Use designated hand holds.
- Keep load as close to body as possible.
- Always use assistance if required.
Important Information
Gas Leak or Fault
Turn off the gas emergency control valve immediately. Eliminate all sources of ignition, i.e.smoking, blowlamps,
hot air guns etc. Do not operate electrical lights or switches either on or off. Open all doors and windows,
ventilate the area.
Metal Parts
This boiler contains metal parts (components) and care should be taken when handling and cleaning,
with particular regard to edges.
Sealed Components
Under no circumstances must the user interfere with or adjust sealed parts.
Electrical Supply
The boiler MUST be earthed.
All system components shall be of an approved type and all
wiring to current I.E.E. wiring regulations.
External wiring must be correctly earthed, polarised and in
accordance with the relevant standards.
In GB, this is BS 7671.
In IE, this is the current edition of ETCI rules.
The boiler MUST be connected to a permanent 230V ac,
50Hz supply.
Connection of the whole electrical system of the boiler,
including any heating controls, to the electrical supply MUST
be through one common isolator and must be fused 3 Amp
Isolation should be by a double pole switched fused spur box,
with a minimum gap of 3mm for both poles. The fused spur
box should be readily accessible and preferably adjacent to
the appliance. It should be identified as to its use.
Alternatively connection can be made through an unswitched
shuttered socket and 3A fused 3-pin plug both to the current
issue of BS 1363, provided they are not used in a room
containing a bath or shower.
Wiring to the boiler must be PVC 85°C insulated cable, not
less than 0.75mm2 (24/0.20mm).
Testing and Certification
This boiler is tested and certificated for safety and perform-
ance. It is, therefore, important that no alteration is made to
the boiler, without permission, in writing, by Glow-worm.
Any alteration not approved by Glow-worm, could invalidate
the certification, boiler warranty and may also infringe the
current issue of the statutory requirements.