Echelon LonTal Stack User Manual
Page 81

LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide
2 – Device Class and Subclass
Applies to all devices with the specified device class and subclass.
3 – Manufacturer
Applies to all devices from the specified manufacturer.
4 – Manufacturer and Device Class
Applies to all devices from the specified manufacturer with the specified
device class.
5 – Manufacturer, Device Class, and Device Subclass
Applies to all devices from the specified manufacturer with the specified
device class and device subclass.
6 – Manufacturer, Device Class, Device Subclass, and Device Model
Applies to all devices of the specified type from the specified
For scopes 1 through 6, the program ID template included in the resource file set
specifies the components. Network management tools match this template
against the program ID for a device when searching for an appropriate resource
For a device to be able to use a resource file set, the program ID of the device
must match the program ID template of the resource file set to the degree
specified by the scope. Thus, each L
manufacturer can create resource
files that are unique to their devices.
Example: Consider a resource file set with a program ID template of
81:23:45:01:02:05:04:00, with manufacturer and device class scope (scope 4). Any
device with the manufacturer ID fields of the program ID set to 1:23:45 and the
device class ID fields set to 01:02 would be able to use types defined in this
resource file set. However, resources on devices of the same class, but from a
different manufacturer, could not access this resource file set.
A resource file set can also use information in any resource file set that has a
numerically lower scope, as long as the relevant fields of their program ID
templates match. For example, a scope 4 resource file set can use resources in a
scope 3 resource file set, assuming that the manufacturer ID components of the
resource file sets’ program ID templates match.
Scopes 0 through 2 are reserved for standard resource definitions published by
Echelon and distributed by L
International. Scope 0 applies to all
devices, and scopes 1 and 2 are reserved for future use. Because scope 0 applies
to all devices, there is a single scope 0 resource file set called the standard
resource file set.
The LonTalk Stack includes the scope 0 standard resource file set that defines
the standard functional profiles (SFPTs), SNVTs, and SCPTs (updates are also
available from L
International at
includes the NodeBuilder Resource Editor that you can use to view the standard
resource file set, or use to create your own user functional profiles (UFPTs),
UNVTs, and UCPTs.
You can define your own functional profiles, types, and formats in scope 3
through 6 resource files.
Most OpenLNS tools, including the OpenLNS Commissioning Tool assume a
default scope of 3 for all user resources. OpenLNS automatically sets the scope to