Command switches – Echelon LonTal Stack User Manual

Page 157

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LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide


• Commands of a Boolean type need not be followed by a value. In this

case, the value yes is assumed. Possible values for Boolean commands

are yes, on, 1, +, no, off, 0, - (a minus sign or dash).

libf -–verbosecomments=yes
libf --verbosecomments

• Commands can be read from the command line or from a command file

(script file). A command file contains empty lines, lines starting with a
semicolon (comment lines), or lines containing one command switch on

each line (with value as applicable). The file extension can be any

characters, but it is recommended that you use the “.libf” extension.

Example command file:

; LIBF command file for myProject

• Command switches can appear at any location within the command line

or in any order (on separate lines) within a script.

Command Switches

The following table lists the available command switches for the libf command.

Only the following switches are required for the command:

• --source (–n)
• --pid (-i)
• --basename (-b)
• --clock (-c)

Other command switches are optional.

Command Switch

Long Form






Implement address table with the specified number of




Implement alias table with specified number of entries



Set the average dynamic network variable
self-documentation string size (0..128)



Set the project's base name