The operating system abstraction layer – Echelon LonTal Stack User Manual
Page 201
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide
Indicates a request to update the LonTalk
Stack device’s control structures from the
serialized application’s data segment.
Indicates a request to begin a transaction for
the non-volatile data segment.
Indicates a request to complete a transaction
for the non-volatile data segment.
LonNvdGetApplicationSegmentSize() Indicates a request to determine the number of
bytes required to store the application’s
non-volatile data segment.
Indicates a request to determine if a
transaction for the non-volatile data segment
was in progress during the device’s previous
Indicates a request to open a non-volatile data
segment for reading.
Indicates a request to open a non-volatile data
segment for writing.
Indicates a request to read a section of a
non-volatile data segment.
Indicates a request to write a section of a
non-volatile data segment.
Indicates a request to create a serialized image
of the application’s non-volatile data segment.
The Operating System Abstraction Layer
The LonTalk Stack includes an operating system abstraction layer (OSAL),
which allows the LonTalk host stack and LonTalk Stack applications to be ported
to any operating system that is supported for the embedded processor.
Example OSAL implementations are included for Linux and Windows. The
OSAL is provided as source code so that you can modify either of the
implementations to support other operating systems.
For detailed information about the OSAL, see the HTML API documentation and
the API source code:
• HTML API documentation: Start → Programs → Echelon LonTalk
Stack → Documentation → API Reference
• API source code for the example applications: Start → Programs →
Echelon LonTalk Stack → Source Code