Loading overview – Echelon LonTal Stack User Manual
Page 38
Loading the Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip
Loading Overview
To create a LonTalk Stack device, you first need to load an Echelon Smart
Transceiver or Neuron Chip with an application image file. The application
image contains Neuron firmware that implements the data link layer of the
LonTalk protocol (layer 2), and a Layer 2 MIP that enables the Echelon Smart
Transceiver or Neuron Chip to transmit and receive any packet to and from the
host processor.
You can load the Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip using one of the
following three options:
1. Load an Echelon-provided pre-compiled application image file onto an
Echelon FT 5000 Smart Transceiver or PL 3120 Smart Transceiver.
• The FT 5000 Smart Transceiver must be running Neuron Firmware
Version 19, using a 20 MHz clock speed, and be attached to a
TP/FT-10 channel.
• The PL 3120 Chip must be running Neuron Firmware Version 14 and
be attached to a PL-20 channel.
The application images files are stored in the
LonWorks\LonTalkStack\Source\Target\Neuron\SMIP directory.
This folder includes .NME and .NDL files for the FT 5000 Smart
Transceiver (SMIP FT5000.NME or SMIP FT5000.NDL) and the PL
3120 Smart Transceiver (SMIP PL3100.NME or SMIP PL3100.NDL)
You can program the .NME file directly on the serial EEPROM of the FT
5000 Smart Transceiver. You can load the .NDL file on the FT 5000
Smart Transceiver or PL 3120 Smart Transceiver using OpenLNS
Commissioning Tool or the NodeLoad utility.
2. Create your own application image with the NodeBuilder FX
Development Tool or the Mini FX Evaluation Kit and load it onto a FT
5000 Echelon Smart Transceiver, Series 5000 chip, or Neuron 3120E4
Chip with the appropriate programming tool. For more information on
the NodeBuilder tool and the Mini kit, go the Echelon Web site at
In this scenario, you create your own Neuron C application that specifies
the baud rate and the network buffering for the Echelon Smart
Transceiver or Neuron Chip. Specify a baud rate of 115,200 to make your
Echelon Smart Transceiver compatible with the provided Serial MIP
driver example. If you use a different baud rate, update the baud rate in
the Serial MIP driver example to make it compatible with your Echelon
Smart Transceiver.
You then generate an application image that includes your Neuron C
application and the Layer 2 MIP library (smip_ft5000.lib or
smip_pl3100.lib), and load the application image onto the Echelon
Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip. The LonTalk Stack Developer’s Kit
includes a Neuron C application example that can be used to build the