Sending an application message to the network, Receiving an application message from the network, Handling management commands – Echelon LonTal Stack User Manual

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Developing a LonTalk Stack Device Application

Sending an Application Message to the

Call the LonSendMsg() function to send an application message. This function

forwards the message to the LonTalk host stack, which in turn transmits the
message on the network. After the message is sent, the LonTalk host stack calls

the LonEventReady() callback handler function to inform the application that
an event has been enqueued. When the application calls the LonEventPump()

function, the LonTalk API calls your LonMsgCompleted() event handler

function. This function notifies your application of the success or failure of the
transmission. You can use this function for any application-specific processing of

message transmission completion.
To be able to send an application message, the LonTalk Stack device must be
configured and online. If the application calls the LonSendMsg() function when

the device is either not configured or not online, the function returns the
LonApiOffline error code.
You can send an application message as a request message that causes the

generation of a response by the receiving device or devices. If you send a request
message, the receiving device (or devices) sends a response (or responses) to the

message. When the Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip receives a
response, it enqueues the response and calls the LonEventReady() callback

handler function to inform that application that an event has been enqueued.

When the application calls the LonEventPump() function, the LonTalk API
calls your LonResponseArrived() event handler function for each response it


Receiving an Application Message from the

When the LonTalk host stack receives an application message from the network,
it forwards the message to the LonEventPump() function in the LonTalk API,

which in turn calls your LonMsgArrived() callback handler function. Your
implementation of this function must process the application message.
The LonTalk host stack does not call the LonMsgArrived() callback handler
function if an application message is received while the LonTalk Stack device is

either unconfigured or offline.
If the message is a request message, your implementation of the
LonMsgArrived() callback handler function must determine the appropriate

response and send it using the LonSendResponse() function.

Handling Management Commands





installation and maintenance tools use network management

commands to set and maintain the network configuration for a device. The

LonTalk host stack automatically handles most network management commands
that are received from these tools. A few network management commands might

require additional application-specific processing, so the LonTalk API forwards

the request to your application through the network management callbacks.
These commands are requests for your application to wink, go offline, go online,