Dynamic network variable event handler functions – Echelon LonTal Stack User Manual

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LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide





Indicates that a network variable update request from the

network has been processed by the LonTalk API. This call

indicates that the network variable value has already been
updated, and allows your host application to perform any

additional processing, if necessary.


A request from the network that the device go offline.
Installation tools use this message to disable application
processing in a device. An offline device continues to

respond to network management messages, but the

interaction between the application and the control network
is suspended. When this function is called, the Echelon

Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip is already offline and the

LonTalk Stack application need only take
application-specific action.


A request from the network that the device go online.

Installation tools use this message to enable application

processing in a device. When this function is called, the

Echelon Smart Transceiver or Neuron Chip is already
online and the LonTalk Stack application need only take

application-specific action.


A notification that the device has been reset.


An indication that the service pin on the device has been

held for some number of seconds (default is 10 seconds).

Use it if your application needs notification of the service
pin’s being held.


An indication that the service pin on the device has been
pressed. Use it if your application needs notification of the

service pin’s being pressed.


A wink request from the network.
Installation tools use the Wink message to help installers

physically identify devices. When a device receives a Wink
message, it should provide some visual, audio, or other

indication for an installer to be able to physically identify
this device.

Dynamic Network Variable Event Handler

The following lists the event handler functions that are called by the LonTalk
API to process dynamic network variables. See Handling Dynamic Network

Variables for more information about using these functions.