Main function – Echelon LonTal Stack User Manual
Page 221
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide
The model file for this example includes a single SFPTclosedLoopActuator
functional block for the two network variables. It does not include a Node Object
functional block.
The SimpleLtDevice project is stored in the Examples\SimpleLtDevice
The SimpleIp852 example is the same as the SimpleLtDevice example except
that it communicates over an IP-852 channel instead of a native L
The SimpleIp852 project is stored in the Examples\SimpleIp852 directory.
The SimpleLtDevice and SimpleIp852 example applications use a single C
source file (main.c), the LonTalk API files generated by the LonTalk Interface
Developer utility (FtxlDev.c, FtxlDev.h, LonCpTypes.h, and LonNvTypes.h),
and a version of FtxlHandlers.c that has been customized for this example
The files used by the SimpleLtDevice and SimpleIp852 projects are the same;
therefore, they are stored in the Examples\SimpleDevice directory.
The following sections describe the main() function, the application task
(appTask()) function, event handler functions, callback handler functions, and
model file used by these example applications.
Main Function
The main() function is in the main.c file. The main() function performs the
following tasks:
1. Processes the network interface name (niName) and stores it in static
variables. These variables are later retrieved by the LonTalk Stack using the
GetMyNetworkInterface() or GetMyIpAddress() callback methods. If
the arguments are invalid, it displays the help and returns.
2. Creates an Osal event that is used to signal the application task that there is
something to do.
3. Creates an application task that initializes and runs the LonTalk Stack
4. Runs a simple command console signaling the app task to send a service pin
message or exit.
5. On exit, waits for the app task to complete, and then destroys the Osal event.
The main() function is shown below.
/* The main function processes command parameters, creates the application
* task to the main stack loopand then runs a simple console to
* allow sending a service pin messages and shutting down the application
* argv[])
(argc < 3 || !SetMyIpAddress(argv[1], argv[2]))
"Run a simple LonTalk Device using an IP-852 interface\n\n"
" SimpleIp852Device