Using the lontalk interface developer files – Echelon LonTal Stack User Manual

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LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide


The Build Progress and Summary page shows the results of compilation and

generation of the LonTalk Stack project files.

Any warning or error messages have the following format:
Error-type: Model_file_name Line_number(Column_number): Message
Example: A model file named “” includes the following single network
variable declaration:

network input SNVT_volt nviVolt

Note the missing semi-colon at the end of the line. When you use this file to build

a project from the LonTalk Interface Developer utility, the compiler issues the
following message:

Error: TESTER.NC 1( 32):
Unexpected END-OF-FILE in source file [NCC#21]

The message type is error, the line number is 1, the column number is 32 (which

corresponds to the position of the error, in this case, the missing semi-colon), and

the compiler message number is NCC#21. To fix this error, add a semi-colon to
the end of the line.
See the Neuron Tools Errors Guide for information about the compiler messages.

Using the LonTalk Interface Developer Files

The LonTalk Interface Developer utility takes all of the information that you
provide and automatically generates the following files that are needed for your

LonTalk Stack application:
