Echelon LonTal Stack User Manual
Page 23
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide
The LonTalk Stack includes source code for the LonTalk API and the LonTalk
host stack. The kit also includes source code for additional operating system and
hardware APIs that you compile and link with your application. The LonTalk
API defines the functions that your application calls to communicate with other
devices on a L
network. The API code provides ANSI C interfaces for
the host application.
The LonTalk API consists of the following types of functions:
• Functions to initialize the host device after each reset.
• A function that the application must call periodically. This function
processes messages pending in any of the data queues.
• Various functions to initiate typical operations, such as the propagation
of network variable updates.
• Event handler functions to notify the application of events, such as the
arrival of network variable data or an error in the propagation of an
application message.
• Functions to interface with the operating system.