Echelon LonTal Stack User Manual
Page 119
LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide
Echelon Smart
Host Application
LonTalk API
Application Framework
Operating System Abstraction Layer
Hardware Abstraction Layer
LonWorks Channel
LonTalk Protocol Stack
The [LonTalkStack]\Source folder contains the LonTalk Host stack, the
LonTalk API, and the serial interface driver example, which together allow your
LonTalk Stack application to handle network events, propagate network
variables, respond to network variable poll requests, and so on.
A LonTalk Stack application must include the FtxlDev.h file to be able to use
the LonTalk API. This file is generated by the LonTalk Interface Developer
utility, and is located in your application project directory. The FtxlDev.h file
includes the [LonTalkStack]\Source\FtxlApi.h file, which contains definitions
for accessing the LonTalk API.
The [LonTalkStack]\Source\FtxlHandlers.c source file contains stubs for the
event handler functions and callback handler functions that the LonTalk API
calls. You must add code to these stubs to respond to specific events. For
example, the LonNvUpdateOccurred() event handler function could inform the
application of the arrival of new data for a set-point value, and the related code
could re-calculate the device’s response, assign output values to peripheral I/O
devices, update the appropriate network variables, and propagate the changes to
the network.
The following recommendations can help you manage your LonTalk Stack
application project:
• Keep edits to LonTalk Interface Developer utility-generated files to a
minimum, that is, do not edit the LonNvTypes.h, LonCpTypes.h,
FtxlDev.h or FtxlDev.c files unless necessary
• Add #include “FtxlDev.h” to your application source files to provide
access to network variable types and instantiations and the LonTalk API
• Keep changes to the FtxlHandlers.c file to a minimum
Add calls to your own functions in files that you create and