Functional block properties syntax, Keywords – Echelon LonTal Stack User Manual
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LonTalk Stack Developer’s Guide
Functional Block Properties Syntax
fb_properties { property-reference-list }
property-reference-list :
property-reference-list , property-reference
property-reference :
property-identifier [ = initializer ] [ range-mod ]
property-identifier [ range-mod ] [ = initializer ]
range-mod :
range_mod_string ( concatenated-string-constant )
property-identifier :
[ property-modifier ] identifier [ constant-expression ]
property-modifier ] identifier
property-modifier :
static | global
Declares a functional block property list.
The functional block property list begins with the fb_properties keyword. It
contains a list of property references, separated by commas, exactly like the
device property list and the network variable property list. Each property
reference must be the name of a previously declared CP family or the name of
a previously declared configuration network variable.
Following the property-identifier, there can be an optional initializer, and an
optional range-mod. These optional elements can occur in either order if both
are given. If present, the instantiation initializer for a CP family member
overrides any initializer provided at the time of declaration of the family;
thus, using this mechanism, some CP family members can be initialized
specially, with the remaining family members having a more generic initial
value. If a network variable is initialized in multiple places (in other words,
in its declaration as well as in its use in a property list), the initializations
must match.
Defines an optional range modification string following the property
The range-mod modifier allows you to specify a range-modification string that
modifies the valid range for the configuration property defined by the
resource file. The range-modification string can only be used with fixed-point
and floating-point types, and consists of a pair of either fixed-point or
floating-point numbers delimited by a colon. The first number is the lower
limit while the second number is the high limit. If either the high limit or the
low limit is the maximum or minimum specified in the configuration property
type definition, then the field is empty to specify this.
In the case of a structure or an array, if one member of the structure or array