Interrupting the boot process – Echelon i.LON 100 e2 Internet Server User Manual
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i.LON 100 Internet Server User’s Guide
sntpaddress address
Modifies the address of the SNTP server. If you have
a backup SNTP server, you can enter sntpaddress
address1 address2.
sntplog on|off
Enables or disables SNTP logging. The SNTP log file
is named sntp.log and is located in the root
directory of the i.LON 100 server. The time logged in
the SNTP log file is in universal coordinated time
(UTC). The maximum size of the SNTP log file is 50
Kbytes. When the file exceeds 50 Kbytes, logging is
automatically disabled. Use this command to
diagnose time synchronization problems.
subnetmask address
Modifies the subnet mask. For example,
subnetmask This command is
valid only when DHCP is turned off.
time hh:mm:ss
Sets the time. This is not allowed if the i.LON 100
server is synched to an SNTP server.
timezone zone
Sets the time zone with the following format:
aylightStart:daylightEnd where dstUsed is 0
or 1, and daylight savings start/end times are in the
form For example,
is the first Sunday in April at 02:00. Rank is a
number from 1 to 5 with 5 meaning the last instance
in the month. Days are numbered 1 to 7 starting
with Sunday. Months are numbered 1 to 12, starting
with January.
trace level [stamp]
Sets the tracing level; 0 = None; 1 = Urgent tracing
only (default); 2 = Verbose tracing (for debugging
only, not recommended). Set the optional stamp
parameter to TRUE to enable time stamping.
type file
Types the contents of file.
update bootrom [file]
Updates the bootrom of the i.LON 100 server. By
default, this command will look for the bootrom.upd
file in the /root directory of the i.LON 100 server.
Echelon highly recommends that user run this
command from the i.LON 100 bootrom console.
See Interrupting the Boot Process, later in this
Appendix, for more information.
Interrupting the Boot Process
The i.LON 100 server undergoes an extensive boot process upon power-up and
when reset by the reset button or a reboot command issued in the Configuration
Server or console application. During the boot process, the i.LON 100 server’s
disk structure is automatically checked to ensure that any structural errors on
the disk are repaired (similar to running a check-disk command in DOS), and a
message is displayed on the screen if any corrections are made to the disk.