Fpga device requirements – Echelon FTXL Hardware User Manual

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FTXL Hardware Guide


To develop a new FPGA design, you must use the Altera Quartus II software,

version 7.2 or later (either the Web Edition or the Subscription Edition). Within
the Quartus II software, you must:

• Add the FTXL components to the global or project search path; see

Setting Component Search Paths

on page 56.

• Add the FTXL components to the project; see

Adding FTXL Components

to an Existing Design

on page 57.

• Compile the project; see

Building the Application Image

on page 61.

• Load the design into the FPGA device; see

Loading the Application Image

into the FPGA Device

on page 62.

In addition, your design also needs to address other hardware design
considerations for the FTXL 3190 Smart Transceiver Chip. These other

considerations are not described in this book; see the

FT 3120 / FT 3150 Smart

Transceiver Data Book

for information about these other considerations.

FPGA Device Requirements

The FTXL Transceiver reference design can use a Cyclone II or Cyclone III FPGA

device for its Nios II host processor. Table 13 lists the FPGA devices supported

as host FPGA devices for an FTXL Transceiver.

Table 13. Supported Cyclone II and Cyclone III FPGA Devices

Cyclone II FPGA Device

Cyclone III FPGA Device Supported for FTXL?



Yes (see note)

EP2C8 EP3C10 Yes

EP2C15 EP3C16 Yes

EP2C20 EP3C25 Yes

EP2C35 EP3C40 Yes

EP2C50 EP3C55 Yes

EP2C70 EP3C80 Yes



Note: A Cyclone II EP2C5 FPGA device or a Cyclone III EP3C5 FPGA device

might not have a sufficient number of logic elements (LEs) available for an FTXL
device design. The EP2C5 FPGA provides 4608 LEs and the EP3C5 provides

5136 LEs, whereas a simple FTXL device (such as the FTXL Transceiver

reference design) could require more than 3500 LEs.

The FTXL Developer’s Kit reference design uses an EP2C20 Cyclone II FPGA
device. Which FPGA device your FTXL device uses depends on your

requirements: including the number of logic elements (LEs), embedded