Overview of the functions, Abs16 (absolute value, 16 bit) – Echelon Neuron User Manual

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Overview of the Functions

The Neuron firmware provides certain functions for common programming tasks

that can make Neuron assembly language programming easier to write and

maintain. This chapter describes these system-provided functions.
For each of the system-provided functions, the arguments and return values are

described as a series of byte values on the data stack, listed in order with top of

stack (TOS) first, following the rules and guidelines described in Chapter 4,

Interfacing with a Neuron C Application, unless explicitly stated otherwise. A

function’s description explicitly mentions if the function uses the return stack.

Unless otherwise specified, all arguments to a function are consumed by the

Some functions return Boolean results. For example, the _equal16 function

returns true if two 16-bit operands are equal. For those functions, “true” is

reported as one, and “false” is reported as zero.
For each function, the description includes a representation of how the function

affects the data stack, its relative location in program memory, and the registers

it affects:

Stack Transformation: Stack affect and stack transition comments follow

the recommendations provided in Documenting Changes to the Stack.

Location: For each function, a location is given as either “near” or “far”.

For “near” locations, you can call the function with the either the CALL

or CALLF instruction. For “far” locations, you must use the CALLF

instruction to call the function. A function is designated as “far” if it is

“far” on any platform. For a specific platform, if the function address is

less than h’2000 (as determined by the generated .sym file), then you

could use the CALL instruction, but you must consider that using this

instruction will not allow your code to be portable, nor is it guaranteed to

work for future system images on the same platform.

Registers Affected: Certain functions affect registers, such as P0 or R1.

Most functions have no affect on system registers.

_abs16 (Absolute Value, 16 Bit)

This function returns the absolute value of a signed 16-bit integer.

Stack Transformation: (a(2) --|a(2)|)
Location: Near
Registers Affected: None

This example returns the absolute value of -8.

pushd #-d’8 ; (-d’8, -d’1)

call _abs16 ; (d’8, 0)


System-Provided Functions