YSI 6200 User Manual
Page 29
YSI 6200 DAS USER Manual
YSI/Massachusetts 508.748.0366, Fax 508.748.2543 Page 2-20
succession. During the next sampling period, a rain fall between 0.05 and 0.10 inch should
appear after interrogation. A rain rate, calculated based on accumulation per unit time also
appears. For example, an accumulation of 0.06 inches in 15 minutes translates to a rate of 0.24
in/hour (4 15-minute intervals per hour, or 4 x 0.06).
For solar radiation remove the cap/dust cover and expose the sensor to natural light during the
test period.
Other sensors should be producing values that indicate functionality. For example, the sonde
temperature value should approximate room temperature. Relative humidity should be realistic
for your room conditions. Barometric pressure should approximate a reading uncorrected for sea
level. That means if you are not at sea level, altitude will cause a discrepancy between your
reading and the local weather bureau’s reading. If possible, use a calibrated laboratory barometer
to check for accuracy.
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