YSI 6200 User Manual
Page 111

YSI 6200 DAS USER Manual
YSI/Massachusetts 508.748.0366, Fax 508.748.2543 Page A-3
DCP Electronics
Motorola 68332 32-bit microcontroller, 16 MHz
64 KB Memory, 8KB Logging Memory is standard (200 KB and 944 KB memory options)
10 single-ended analog inputs (5 differential), 18 bit resolution, 1 sample/sec, with
10 ranges,
0.005 to
5 VDC, gain and attenuation is software programmable
3 configurable digital input/ouput channels
2 switched excitation outputs of 1.25, 2.5, 5.0 V~, 100 mA, software programmable
2 switched power outputs, 5 VDC (200 mA) and 12 VDC (700 mA)
Power management software (hardware watchdog timer and power monitor)
Real-time, battery-backed clock
EMI and ESD protection
Full serial I/O port
Accommodates up to 16 SDI-12 devices
Enhanced SDI-12 interface with up to 36 parameters from single SDI-12 sensor
Power Options
12 VDC, 12 Ah Lead Acid Battery
Capable of powering 6200 DCP equipped with 2 watt radio, complete MET sensor suite,
and one 6-series sonde for 11 days at a sample and transmission frequency of every 15
minutes and sensor warm-up no greater than one minute.
12 VDC, 12 Ah Lead Acid Battery with 100/120/220/240 V~ charger
12 VDC, 12 Ah Lead Acid Battery with 10 watt Solar Battery Charger
Communication Options
Direct Link, RS-232 serial interface
Easy access to DB-9 connector mounted inside NEMA enclosure
Sealed feed-through or conduit fitting port on bottom of enclosure
Radio, 2 watt (no FCC license required), 467.8 MHz
Telephone Modem, 14,400 baud (forced to 9600 bps by 6200)
Cellular Modem, 1200 or 2400 baud (forced to 1200 bps by 6200)
Memory Options
Factory-installed option for additional logging memory
256 KB total, 56 KB running memory, 200 KB logging memory
2 x 128KB x 8 SRAM, 70 ns
Factory-installed option for additional logging memory
1 MB total, 56 KB running memory, 944 KB logging memory
2 x 512KB x 8 SRAM, 85 ns
3 years on basic DCP, including Power Supply
1 year on Battery
1 year on Memory Options