Top Flite TOPA0410 User Manual

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5.3 There must also be a means to stop the engine from
the transmitter. The most common method is to close the
carburetor throat completely using throttle trim, however,
other methods are acceptable. This requirement applies to
all glow/gas ignition engines regardless of size.


6.1 All transmitters must be FCC type certified.

6.2 FCC Technician or higher-class license required for 6
meter band operation only.

Additional General Recommendations

Servo need to be of rating capable to handle the loads
that the control surfaces impose upon the servos.
Standard servos are not recommended for control
surfaces. Servos should be rated heavy-duty. For flight-
critical control functions a minimum of 45 inch/ounces of
torque should be considered. This should be considered a
minimum for smaller aircraft and higher torque servos are
strongly encouraged for larger aircraft. The use of one
servo for each aileron and one for each elevator half is
strongly recommended. Use of duel servos is also
recommended for larger aircraft.

On-board batteries shall be 1000 mAh up to 20 lbs, 1200
mAh to 30 lbs, 1800 mAh to 40 lbs. And 2000mAh over
40 lbs flying weight. The number and size of servos, size
and loads on control surfaces and added features should
be considered as an increase to these minimums.
Batteries should be able to sustain power to the onboard
radio components for a minimum of one hour total flying
time before recharging.

R e d u n d a n t a n d fa i l - s a fe b a t t e r y s y s t e m s a r e

The use of anti-glitch devices for long leads are

There is no maximum engine displacement limit, as it is
the position of this body that an underpowered aircraft
presents a greater danger than an overpowered aircraft.
However, the selection of engine size relative to airframe
strength and power loading mandates good discretionary
judgement by the designer and builder. Current AMA

maximums for engine displacement are 6.0 cu. in. for two-
stroke and 9.6 cu. in. for four-stroke engines. These
maximums apply only to AMA Sanctions concerning
competition events (such as 511, 512, 515 and 520) and,
as such, the maximums apply. All IMAA (non competition)
events should be sanctioned as Class “C” events, in which
these engine size maximums do not apply.

Generally, it is recommended that no attempt should be
made to fly a radio controlled model aircraft with a
gasoline engine in which the model aircraft weight would
exceed twelve [12) pounds (underpowered) per cubic inch
of engine displacement, or be less than five (5) pounds
(overpowered) per cubic inch of engine displacement.
Example: Using a 3 cu. in. engine, a model would likely be
underpowered at an aircraft weight greater than 36
pounds. With the same engine, an aircraft weighing less
than 15 pounds would likely be overpowered.

Servo arms and wheels should be rated heavy duty. Glass
filled ser vo ar ms and control hor ns are highly

Control surface linkages are listed in order of preference:

1. Cable system (pull-pull). A tiller bar is highly
recommended along with necessary bracing.

2. Arrow Shaft, fiberglass or aluminum, 1/4" or 5/16" O.D.
bracing ever y six (6) to ten [10) inches is highly

3. Tube-in-tube (Nyrod). Bracing every few inches is highly
recommended. Inner tube should be totally enclosed in
outer tube.

4. Hardwood dowel, 3/8" O.D. bracing every six (6) to ten
[10) inches is highly recommended.

Hinges should be rated heavy duty and manufactured for
Giant Scale use primarily. Homemade and original design
hinges are acceptable if determined to be adequate for
the intended use.

Clevis (steel, excluding heavy-duty ball links) and
attachment hardware should be heavy duty 4-40 threaded
rod type. 2-56 threaded size rod is acceptable for some
applications (e.g. throttle). Clevis is to have lock nuts and
sleeve or spring keepers.

Propeller tips should be painted or colored in a visible and
contrasting manner so as to increase the visibility of the
propeller tip arc.


The Top Flite Giant Corsair is a great-flying scale warbird
that flies smoothly and predictably. The Corsair does not,
however, possess the self-recovery characteristics of a
primar y R/C trainer and should only be flown by
experienced RC Pilots.

If, while flying, you notice any unusual sounds, such as a
low-pitched "buzz," this may indicate control surface
flutter. Because flutter can quickly destroy components
of your airplane, any time you detect flutter you must
immediately cut the throttle and land the airplane!
Check all servo grommets for deterioration (this may
indicate which surface fluttered), and make sure all
pushrod linkages are secure and free of play. If the
control surface fluttered once, it probably will flutter
again under similar circumstances unless you can
eliminate the free-play or flexing in the linkages. Here
are some things which can cause flutter: Excessive
hinge gap; Not mounting control horns solidly; Poor fit of
clevis pin in horn; Side-play of pushrod in guide tube
caused by tight bends; Poor fit of Z-bend in servo arm;
Insufficient glue used when gluing in the elevator joiner
wire; Excessive play or backlash in servo gears; and
Insecure servo mounting.


A fully cowled engine may run at a higher temperature than
an uncowled engine. For this reason, the fuel mixture
should be richened so the engine runs at about 200 rpm
below peak speed. By running the engine slightly rich, you
will help prevent dead stick landings caused by overheating.


Takeoff on “high” rates if you have dual rates on your
transmitter and with the flaps up - especially if you are
taking off into a crosswind. For all models it is good
practice to gain as much speed as the length of the
runway will permit before lifting off. This will give you a
safety margin in case the engine quits. When the plane
has gained enough flying speed to safely lift off, gradually
and smoothly apply up elevator and allow the model to
climb at a shallow angle (do not yank the model off the
ground into a steep climb!)