Top Flite TOPA0410 User Manual
Page 45

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system and center the servo arms. Thread 4-40 metal
clevises 14 turns onto two 4-40 x 48" [121.9cm] threaded
pushrods. Insert the pushrods into the elevator outer
pushrod tubes and connect the clevises to the servo arms
on the elevator servos.
❏ 11. Position the elevator torque rods so that the
unthreaded arm is aligned with the centerline of the stab.
Mark the elevator pushrods at the clevis attachment hole
in the torque rod horns. Remove the elevator pushrods
from the fuse.
❏ 12. Position a 4-40 solder clevis next to the elevator
pushrods with the clevis pin aligned with the mark on the
pushrods. Cut the pushrods at the location shown.
❏ 13. Use silver solder to solder the solder clevis onto the
end of the elevator pushrods.
❏ 14. Slide a silicone retainer over the solder clevises.
Insert the elevator pushrods into the elevator outer pushrod
tubes from the aft end of the fuse. Attach the solder clevis
to the elevator torque rod horns and slide the silicone
retainer over the clevis. Remove the elevator servos.
❏ 1. Sand the side sheeting flush with the aft edge of
former F-12. Trim the jig tab from the bottom of former
F-12. Taper the fuse side sheeting between F-11 and
F-12 as shown on the fuse plan. Note that filler pieces are
made from a 3/8" x 1/2" leftover balsa stick, glued to the
side sheeting and sanded to a taper.
❏ 2. Fit the 3/8" x 2" x 6" balsa lower aft filler blocks
between formers F-10 and F-11. Sand an angle on the top
of the blocks to match the aft end of the fuse.
❏ 3. Sand the front of the 1/2" x 3" x 12" balsa aft bottom
fuse block so that it fits tight against F-10. Glue the
bottom block to the formers and the filler blocks. Use a
razor plane and a bar sander to shape the block.
❏ 4. From the 1/4" x 1" x 24" balsa stick make forward
and aft wedges. Note the clearance holes in the aft
wedges for the elevator torque rods. Glue the wedges in
position. Use masking tape to protect the stab while you
trim and sand the wedges to shape. Sand the top of the
wedges flush fore and aft with each other.
❏ 5. Fit the 9/16" x 2" x 12" balsa upper aft fuse block.
Glue it in place. Place a several pieces of masking tape on
the stab to protect it while rough shaping the sides of the
block to a taper. Do not round the corners until after the
rudder fillet block is installed.