Final hookups and checks – Top Flite TOPA0410 User Manual
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Trim the MonoKote covering at the edge of the oil coolers.
Apply a thin coat of filler along the edge of the MonoKote
covering. After the filler dries, sand it flush with the
covering. Use masking tape to mask off the area around
the oil coolers. Spray a couple of coats of primer over the
oil cooler and filler. After the primer dries, remove the
masking and sand the primer to blend it into the covering.
Carefully paint the oil cooler and filler with LustreKote
paint. Avoid getting over spray on the rest of the wing.
The light blue on the Corsair, shown on the box, was
painted with a custom mix of Testors paint, applied with an
airbrush. After the paint dried, the decals were applied
and the panel lines were drawn on. The whole airplane
was then painted with mist coats of LustreKote Flat Clear.
Before painting the canopy, use scissors or a hobby knife to
trim along the molded cut lines. True the edges with your
bar sander and 220-grit sandpaper. Use 400-grit sandpaper
to scuff the frame portion of the canopy so the paint will
stick. We recommend painting the canopy frame with Pactra
Formula-U or Chevron Perfect Paint. Use masking tape or
frisket film to cover the portion of the canopy that is not to
be painted. If you are not sure that the paint is compatible
with the clear canopy, test the paint on a leftover piece of
canopy material and allow it to dry overnight.
For painting the pilot, we have discovered that acrylic
water base paints such as the types found at craft stores
work great. The acrylic paints look realistic on the pilots
because they are flat. Best of all, they cleanup with water.
We covered the cockpit floor (if a cockpit kit will not be
installed), sides and backrest with 600-grit sandpaper
glued in place with aliphatic resin glue.
❏ 1. Study the plan and the photos on the box to visualize
where to place the decals.
❏ 2. Thoroughly clean your airplane before applying
❏ 3. Cut out the individual decals and apply them in the
locations shown on the box.
HINT: To apply decals accurately, use a permanent
marker to put small reference marks on the aircraft
outside the edge of the decal. Peel the decal backing off.
For larger decals, spray the aircraft and the glue side of
the decal with a mixture of soap and water. Carefully
“float” the decal into position. Use a damp paper towel to
squeegee the liquid out from under the decal working
from the middle outward. Remove the marks with
isopropyl alcohol.
❏ 1. Starting with the elevators and stab, cut the covering
from the hinge holes.
❏ 2. Roughen the elevator torque rods wires with
sandpaper. Clean the torque rod wires with alcohol and a
paper towel to remove any oil residue.
❏ 3. Apply petroleum jelly to the hinge pivots to prevent
epoxy from gluing the hinge joints. Glue the torque rod
wires and hinges in the elevators and stab with 30-minute
❏ 4. Install the ailerons with their hinges. Repeat the
gluing technique described previously and allow the epoxy
to cure.
❏ 5. Install the rudder with it’s hinges. Repeat the gluing
technique described previously and allow the epoxy to
❏ 6. Use epoxy to glue the 1/16" [1.6mm] plywood flap arm
into each inboard flap LE. Make sure the clevis attachment
holes are equal distance from the LE of both flaps.
❏ 7. Use epoxy to glue the flap torque rods in the flap
center section.
❏ 8. Install the flaps with their hinges. Repeat the gluing
technique and process described previously.
❏ 1. Reinstall the fuel tank with foam padding (not
included) as follows: Insert two 12" pieces of fuel tubing
(not included) through the firewall. Connect one of the fuel
tubes to the fuel pick-up fitting and the other to the
overflow or pressure fitting. Insert the fuel tank into the
fuel tank compartment. Secure the tank with leftover sticks
glued to the fuse sides. Connect the fuel tubing from the
fuel pick-up fitting to the fuel fill valve. Route the overflow
line out the bottom of the cowl.
❏ 2. Reinstall the engine mount and engine. Apply thread
lock to the bolts holding the engine to the firewall.
❏ 3. Connect the fuel tubing from the fuel fill valve to the
carburetor. Connect the pressure line to the muffler if
using a glow engine.
❏ 4. Install the receiver switch and plug the receiver
battery into the switch. We recommend at least a 1200
mAh receiver battery be used. Wrap the receiver battery
in foam rubber and secure it under the fuel tank.
❏ 5. Install the servos in the radio tray, aileron servo
compartments and flap servo compartments. Route the
aileron and flap servo wires out of the wing center.
Reinstall the aileron servo horns.
❏ 6. Plug the servos and receiver switch into the receiver
and wrap it in foam rubber. The receiver can be secured to
the servo tray using eye screws and rubber bands (not
❏ 7. Switch the radio system on and adjust the servos to
neutral. Use Y-harnesses to connect together the two
elevator servos, two flap servos, two aileron servos and
the rudder/tail wheel steering servos.