TeeJet LH 85 User Manual

Page 45

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Regulation valve time:
Encode the time, in seconds, that the regulation valve takes from fully closed to
fully open (or fully open to fully closed).
This value should found by measuring the actual time the valve takes from fully
closed to fully open (or the opposite) when the system is supplied with 12V.

Minimum voltage:
Encode the lowest voltage at which the regulation valve starts to move.
The controller uses variable voltage to control the valve; the closer the actual rate
is to the target rate, the lower the voltage sent to the valve is. The minimum
voltage must therefore be found when the valve is under pressure as this affects
the force required to move the valve.

Regulation dead band:
Encode an acceptable regulation dead band in percent.
Regulation will stop when the difference between the target rate and the actual
rate is lower than the encoded dead band (percent of the target rate). This is to
prevent the valve from oscillating when the actual rate is near the target rate.

Regulation backlash:
Encode the time in seconds it takes before the valve starts moving after a direction

Anticipation factor:
Encode the anticipation factor to ensure that the regulation valve is in a suitable
position when switching the main valve on when, e.g. turning on the headland.
0 = OFF

The reg. valve remains stationary at the position when the main
valve was switched off.

100 = FULL

The reg. valve will move completely to the calculated position.

The number of boom sections open, the target rate, the average forward speed,
the regulation valve time and the maximum reg. valve capacity are used to
calculate a theoretical position of the regulation valve when the main valve is OFF,
e.g. when turning on the headland.
The anticipation factor expresses how much of the time needed to reach the
theoretical valve position will actually be used to drive the valve.

The calculated position will take 1 second to reach; setting the
anticipation factor to 50% will result in the valve moving for ½
second instead of 1 second.

Default valve position:
Encode the required position of the regulation valve in percent of fully open.
When the main valve has been switched off for 10 minutes the reg. valve will move
to this position.