TeeJet TASC-6600 User Manual
Page 70

TASC-6000, 6300, 6600
Rev. - 1
TASC roadside spraying operations require a special boom control switchbox or boom interface cable to take advantage
of some of the features of the TASC console. Additionally an optional flow switch and cable is needed if a Handgun is
to be used.
D.1 Modes of Operation
D.1.1 Normal
In the Normal Mode, the TASC console can control the
carrier and chemical injection pumps in any one of the
following manners (See Sect. D.3 for details.):
1. In Auto operation, the carrier and chemical rates
are programmed to give a constant per acre (ha.)
application rate regardless of speed. As a result,
if you speed up the pressure goes up, and if you
slow down the pressure goes down.
2. In Auto "Pressure" operation, the carrier is maintained at a constant pressure regardless of ground speed or
booms On / Off. This results in the carrier rate in gal. / acre (l/ha.) decreasing with higher speeds, and increas-
ing with lower speeds. The chemical injection pumps will continue to respond to changes in ground speed or
booms On / Off, thereby maintaining a constant chemical application rate per acre (ha.)
3. In using "Special Purpose Boom Widths" (Alternate Widths “B” or “C”), the chemical injection pumps control
to the programmed “B” or “C” width, ignoring the actual boom widths programmed and turned on. This is
commonly used to spray very steep up and down slopes where the normal programmed boom widths may not
accurately reflect the area actually being sprayed.
D.1.2 Handgun
In the Handgun Mode, the chemical injection pumps start and stop in response to the start of carrier flow sensed by a
flow switch. Chemical injection will occur only when the handgun trigger is pulled and flow is established. All booms
must be turned off for the Handgun mode to operate. The carrier and chemical injection pumps are controlled in any one
of the following manners:
1. The carrier rate is programmed into the TASC console in gallons (liters) per minute and the console controls the
carrier rate with an optional Auto-Range valve. Chemical rates are entered as "ounces per 100 gallons (liters
per 1000 liters)" of carrier or as a ratio of the carrier rate, as measured through the flowmeter.
2. The carrier rate is set to 0.0 (Manual Override) and the operator controls the flow through the handgun with the
Inc / Dec switch on the console, or with the Handgun trigger. The chemical rates are entered as "ounces per
100 gallons (liters per 1000 liters)" of carrier or a ratio of the carrier, as measured through the flowmeter.
3. The operator sets the nominal carrier flow rate through the Handgun as a “Test Speed” and the console controls
the chemical injection pumps at the rate or ratio programmed for them, regardless of the actual flow in the
handgun line.
'B' Width
Ground Speed
'C' Width
Example 405-0093 Switch Panel