TeeJet TASC-6600 User Manual
Page 36

TASC-6000, 6300, 6600
Rev. - 1
If the tubing has been changed, the pump must be calibrated to ensure system accuracy. Use the field calibration
procedure specified in Section 2.8.2 of this manual to calibrate the pump.
Always replace the flexible pump tubing before beginning spraying operations each season. This is particularly impor-
tant if the sprayer has been sitting idle for an extended period of time. Replacement tubing kits are available from your
MID-TECH dealer.
The Pump Calibration must be checked and calibrated at the start of each season. Use the field calibration procedure
specified in Section 2.8.2 of this manual to calibrate your pumps.
Injection pumps should be checked for proper calibration anytime there is reason to suspect system accuracy or anytime
the internal pump tubing is changed. Use the field calibration procedure specified in Section 2.8.2 of this manual to
check and calibrate the injection pump.
The console can be kept clean by wiping with a damp cloth and by covering unused connectors with the attached dust
covers. Console set-up information should be checked periodically (Refer to Section 2.0., Calibration and Set-Up.)
NOTE: It is unlikely that set-up information will require reentering. However, there have been rare cases of its being
distorted by random electromagnetic interference. For this reason, Mid-Tech strongly recommends recording the current
set-up information in a convenient location and checking them daily, before operating the sprayer.
WHEEL SENSOR: Check the sensor daily for loose or bent fittings. Mud or trash build up can push the sensor out of
alignment or knock the magnets off. Repair or replace any damaged components immediately and calibrate the sensor
(Refer to section 2.7, Distance Calibration).
RADAR SENSOR: Check the sensor daily to make sure the face of the sensor is relatively clean (no dirt build up) and
that the mounting bracket and hardware is tight and has not shifted in position. The sensor can be cleaned using a damp
cloth. While inspecting and cleaning the radar speed sensor, take care not to look directly into the face of the unit. The
radar generates a low level microwave signal when it is operating and it may be dangerous to the eyes.
If it is suspected or found that the radar sensor mounting position has shifted, the mounting bracket must be tightened
and the sensor must be calibrated. (Refer to Section 2.7, Distance Calibration)
Prior to each day’s spraying, the flowmeter should be inspected to ensure there are no leaks around the attachment
fittings. At the end of the day, care should be taken to thoroughly flush the flowmeter with clean water.
The impeller type flowmeters supplied by MIDWEST TECHNOLOGIES are inherently rugged. However, continued use
will eventually wear the internal bearings and shafts until the flowmeter becomes inaccurate. Replacement kits are
available. Contact your MID-TECH dealer for these parts.