Compiling with lemonide, Running application on eddy, Uploading and executing on eddy – Solvline Eddy DK User Manual
Page 93: 7 compiling with lemonide, 8 running application on eddy, 9 uploading and executing on eddy

Eddy DK Programmer Guide
4.7 Compiling with LemonIDE
LemonIDE is an IDE(Integrated Development Environment) based on Eclipse platform and provides an intuitive GUI
interface. LemonIDE can be used in both Windows and Linux environments. Source coding, compile, remote
debugging and creating a firmware image can be all carried out with LemonIDE.
Refer to ‚LemonIDE_User_Guide‛ for detailed information.
4.8 Running Application on Eddy
To run an application on Eddy, there are several methods. First method is to convert an application as a firmware
and loads it into the flash memory area and execute. However, this method is not recommended for developing
phase of application, since it is time consuming task. Second method is to load and execution file of an application
to RAM type file system by using the FTP Server on Eddy DK, and execute it from there. This method is suitable for
developing phase of application; however the application loaded to Eddy will be deleted when the power is
The LemonIDE integrated developing environment provides advanced solution. LemonIDE debugging tool supports
the direct transmission of compiled applications to Eddy. By using this tool, the user can execute and check the
result instantly on site.
If you wish to use LemonIDE, please refer to ‚LemonIDE_User_Guide‛.
4.9 Uploading and Executing on Eddy
Connect to Eddy by using FTP.
ID and password for FTP server are same as the one using with telnet connection.
The example below shows how to upload an example file, ‚hello_world‛, to /tmp folder of Eddy on Linux using
When uploading a file, ‚bin‛ command must be entered first for binary mode.
For uploading enter ‚put
On Windows environment, use FTP program of Windows on the Command Prompt.
When the transmission is completed, a user can check the file using Telnet terminal connected Eddy.
The file is executable using ‚chmod‛ command; however the mode has to be switched to executable.
[shlee@localhost Eddy_APPs]$ ftp
Name ( eddy
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
ftp> cd /tmp
ftp> bin
ftp> put
8914 bytes sent in 0.00027 seconds (3.3e+04 Kbytes/s)
ftp> bye
[shlee@localhost Eddy_APPs]$