Writing application program, Writing makefile, 2 writing application program – Solvline Eddy DK User Manual
Page 91: 3 writing makefile

Eddy DK Programmer Guide
4.2 Writing Application Program
This chapter shows how to write an application program for Eddy.
First, create a ‚hello_world.c‛ file under the ‚scr/Eddy_APPs‛ directody.
4.3 Writing Makefile
To compile an application program, compile information of the application program has to be registered on the
Eddyy_APPs/Makefile folder. The below is description of ‚Makefile‛ under folder of src/Eddy_APPs/.
The picture blow shows the environment setting area for an application program compile.
Add a name under the ‚TARGET‛ highlighted as red, and register to the compile environment.
int main()
While (1)
printf("hello world !!!\n");
sleep (1);
TARGET = eddy pinetd def ddns_agent \
upgrade portview upgradetftp detect \
tcp_server tcp_client tcp_multiplex tcp_broadcast \
udp rt_test
udp : udp.o
rm -f $@
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(IFLAGS) -o $@ $ [email protected] $(LIBS)
$(STRIP) $@
Hello_World : Hello_World.o
Rm -f $@
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(IFLAGS) -o $@ $ [email protected]
$(STRIP) $@