Section 8 troubleshooting, Section 8 for troub, Section 8 – SilentKnight 5104 Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter 6 Zone User Manual
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Section 8
This section contains trouble shooting information for servicing the 5104. The following is a list of LED
indications, 5230 LCD messages, and their meaning. Along with this information are possible causes of these
problems and some solution.
5230 LCD Messages
Cause and Correction
Trouble Zone #
Trouble condition exist on the zone
or zones indicated by #
The device connected to this zone is
in trouble. EOL problem on this loop.
This indication will clear once the
problem has been corrected
Alarm Zone #
Alarm condition exist on the zone or
zones indicated by #
The device connected to this zone is
in the alarm condition.
L3 Off
Low AC
AC power has been lost.
Check for power on the primary of
the transformer.
L6 On
Trouble Line 1
Trouble condition on line 1.
Phone line or phone connections are
bad or unable to report to central
station. Verify the programmed
central station phone number.
L7 On
Trouble Line 2
Trouble condition on line 2.
L5 On
Dialer Trouble
Indicates a dialer failed condition.
Earth Ground Fault
Indicates that an earth ground fault
condition exists.
Earth Pwr Fault
Indicates that an earth power fault
condition exists.
L4 On.
A trouble condition exists and the
annunciator has been turned off.
EOL problem on this loop. This
indication will clear once the problem
has been corrected
Data Lost
Displayed if event memory
Bus Trouble
The 5230 cannot communicate with
Try Again
If there is a 10 seconds time lapse
between key presses while entering
a function, the 5230 will display this
You waited to long between
touchpad entries and the system
timed out or an incorrect entry was
Trouble Remote #
One or more 5230 annunciator is in
trouble. The 5230 ID number is
indicated in the # place.
Check for shorts or opens in wire
runs. Check to make sure that none
of the 5230 have the same ID code.
EEPROM Sum Error
Error during program mode.
Exit program mode (see Section
6.2.4) then re-enter program mode
and try again.
L2 On
Trouble Smk Pwr
Smoke loop power is less than 10 V
or an overcurrent condition exists.
Overcurrent draw on terminal 6, 9, or